What to Consider When Selecting a Farm Irrigation System
One of the first things you have to consider for a farm or large garden is how you’ll keep your plants watered and healthy. Most of us can’t depend on rain falling from the sky to keep a garden alive, especially with Texas’ extreme weather. Here’s an overview of the different types of farm irrigation systems in Texas, as well as the outside factors that will play a role in deciding which will be your best choice.
Types of Irrigation Systems
At B&M Pump Irrigation Sales & Service, Inc., we’re proud to offer Reinke irrigation products. Reinke uses high-strength, lightweight material to build its irrigation systems. With unique pivot designs and five types of pipe, Reinke can help you customize your system with quality products and superior customization:
- Center pivot: Center pivot irrigation systems are self-propelled sprinkler systems that rely on water pressure, hydraulics or electricity to operate. They are best for round or square areas.
- Linear move: Linear move systems are similar to center pivot, but instead of rotating around a fixed end point, linear move systems move laterally. Water is supplied from a large ditch or hose.
- Traveling gun: Traveling gun systems are large sprinklers attached to a gun cart and a hose. The cart is manually pushed around the field and can irrigate between an 80- and 250-foot radius. Since these are man-powered, they’re not as popular as automated systems.
- Solid and permanent set: These systems rely on pipes underground to feed regularly-spaced sprinklers. They’re frequently used for small acreages, under trees or for frost and freeze protection.
- Micro irrigation: Micro irrigation relies on drip or trickle systems, and has the advantage of conserving water. These systems are also energy efficient and have the benefit of reduced weed growth.
Assessing Outside Factors
Naturally, what kind of farm irrigation system in Texas you’ll choose depends a great deal on several outside factors. Be sure to reach out to B&M Pump Irrigation Sales & Service, Inc. to chat with our experts about the systems and products that may be right for you:
- Weather and crop: The kind of crop you’re growing will give you the best idea of what kind of irrigation system to use. Some will require more water or more frequent water, and you’ll need to evaluate what kind of effect the weather will have on that.
- Infrastructure: Certain irrigation systems, like traveling gun systems, can be entirely above-ground, whereas others require underground piping. Whether you own or lease the land may affect what kind of infrastructure you use.
- Energy: Often, irrigation systems use electricity or diesel engines to power their irrigation. Using electricity has associated costs, such as monthly minimums, standby charges and rate increases or discounts.
- Water sources: Your water source—surface, ground or stored water—needs to be big enough to supply water for extended dry periods, when the land will need irrigation the most.
For expert input on farm irrigation systems in Texas, contact the professionals at B&M Pump Irrigation Sales & Service, Inc. We’re proud to offer pump service, water well service, system design and center pivot systems. We deliver personal service and reliability to our customers, offering quality Reinke products at a fair price. Give us a call today to speak with one of our service experts.
Categorised in: Irrigation