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Your Irrigation Can Go Digital with Reinke’s RC10 System

May 21, 2020

By now, we’re all used to being able to browse the internet and send messages to anyone, anywhere, from the tiny computers in our pockets. Now imagine being able to monitor your fields and control your irrigation systems from anywhere in the world, simply by using your cell phone or... View Article

Get Precise Remote Irrigation Management with ReinCloud

May 7, 2020

Technology is making it easier for farmers to keep an eye on their fields, whether they’re at home or even in a different state. The innovative Reinke ReinCloud system allows you to remotely manage your Texas irrigation system from a smart device, making it possible to precisely monitor your fields... View Article

The Value of Reinke’s Advanced Plus Panel

March 25, 2020

Though a lot of people’s minds turn to the lazily pumping oil and gas wells that monopolize headlines, there’s more to the American Southwest than its energy race. Agriculture remains one of the largest and most integral industries operating in the Southwest. Every year, the agricultural sector in West Texas... View Article

A Look at Reinke’s Unique Remote Connect Panel

March 12, 2020

In today’s ever-connected world, there’s no industry that cannot benefit from an injection of technology. Across the globe, companies are racing to find innovative ways to make the most of the digital connectivity that has become so commonplace in everyday life. Leave it to irrigation pioneer Reinke, a company that’s... View Article

Benefits of Single-Leg Tower Design

February 14, 2020

The options that exist on the irrigation products market are diverse and multi-faceted. Their functions vary widely and can mean different things to different customers. Our team can take you through what your potential needs might be, as this can help you understand more of what you’re looking for and... View Article

B&M Pump Irrigation Sales & Service, Inc.